Bethany Rentz Bethany Rentz

Blog Posts

  • 31 Aug 2013 » Moving to Jeckyll for blogging
  • I have decided to change my blogging platform. I was using Blogger - since it was pretty easy to get up and running and could use a GUI for formatting the posts. But now I've learned more about using markdown and git and AWS - I decided to move my blog to using Jekyll (a ruby app) and use AWS S3 and Route 53 for the hosting.

  • 22 Aug 2013 » My first hackathon
  • Last Saturday participated in my first hackathon. It was the MoDev hackathon - part of the MoDev Tablet Conference 2013 in Seattle. I decided it would be a good first hackathon because it was only from 9-5, no crazy 24 hour coding marathons! Plus it was at Amazon in South Lake Union - so a good location.

  • 22 Jul 2013 » Getting started with Ruby on Rails
  • I've recently started a Ruby on Rails boot camp through Code Fellows in Seattle. I am excited to learn about building web applications using this technology. Previously my web experience has been using Microsoft web technologies ( & SQL server).

  • 06 May 2013 » Am I leaning in?
  • I just finished reading Sheryl Sandberg's book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead - and it caused me to reflect on my career and experiences that I've had. And also to think about how I would like to be going forward.

  • 23 Feb 2013 » Dealing with Angry People
  • For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • 13 Feb 2013 » 2013 - Year of Change
  • It is now February - and I feel like I'm off to a good start for the year. I am trying to be more mindful about areas I would like to focus on in my life and how I want to spend my time. If something isn't making my life richer - I don't want to waste time with it.

  • 11 Apr 2010 » My first day of sailing
  • But it isn't my last day of sailing. Today turned out to be a gorgeous spring day. My husband, Dan and I recently joined a sailing club in Kirkland, WA. I have only been out sailing a couple of times but Dan used to teach sailing and race sailboats back in college. Since I've known him, he hasn't done a lot of sailing - but about a month ago he has decided to spend a lot more time sailing.

  • 11 Apr 2010 » Money, money, money...
  • I just finished doing my monthly budget review for the month of March. My husband and I have split the financial duties - he calculates networth each month and I calculate cashflow. Then we meet and discuss.