It is now February - and I feel like I'm off to a good start for the year. I am trying to be more mindful about areas I would like to focus on in my life and how I want to spend my time. If something isn't making my life richer - I don't want to waste time with it.
Here are some examples:
Health - I am focusing on living a healthy lifestyle to make sure that I will be able to continue to do the things I love as I grow older. I decided to focus on yoga, outdoor activities and eating healthy in 2013. For Yoga - I joined a yoga studio and have been attending classes ~4 days a week. I have seen a huge improvement in my practice. The first couple of weeks, I would spend a lot of time in "child's pose", and then it started to be fun to go to yoga. It has now become something I looke forward to.
Giving back to my Community - I volunteer with Snohomish County Search & Rescue with my K9, Tilly. We are currently training for our certification for the airscent team - and pretty close to being ready for our certification test. Once we complete our certification - we will be able to deploy as a team on searches to look for lost people. We have training every weekend and sometimes during the week - and I have made it a priority to attend those trainings, instead of doing other things.
Career - I have been lucky enough to take time out from working since September 2012. I am now starting to research and begin my own business.After almost 20 years working in technology I would like to take the leap to running my own consulting business - sharing the experience I have with others. Currently I am spending time learning about starting a business and developing a business plan.
Family & Friends - I have made it a priority to spend more time with my husband. We have started rock climbing at an indoor gymn - and are trying to do that twice a week. Although we are at different skill levels - it's something we can do together while hanging out.
Of course I also spend my time doing other things - but those are my main focus areas for this year.